COMMO VIII – Second call for studying, teaching and training mobility opportunities in Italy, Western Balkans and Southern Mediterranean countries. Apply by January 5th, 2025!

UNIMED – Mediterranean Universities Union, coordinator of the COMMO (COoperation in the Mediterranean and Western Balkan through MObility of Students and Staff) consortium, has just launched the second call for mobilities for study, teaching and training purposes in the framework of the COMMO VIII project under the Erasmus+ Programme KA171. The COMMO project aims at contributing to the improvement of the international dimension of higher education institutions by promoting mobility experienc...
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COMMO VII – Final call for studying, teaching and training mobility opportunities in Italy, Western Balkans and Southern Mediterranean countries. Apply by November 15th, 2024!

UNIMED – Mediterranean Universities Union, coordinator of the COMMO (COoperation in the Mediterranean and Western Balkan through MObility of Students and Staff) consortium, has just launched the third and last call for mobilities for study, teaching and training purposes in the framework of the COMMO VII project under the Erasmus+ Programme KA171. The COMMO project aims at contributing to the improvement of the international dimension of higher education institutions by promoting mobility ex...
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COMMO VII – International Staff Week: a new opportunity of mobility!

In the framework of the COMMO VII project, UNIMED is organising an International Staff Week to be held in Rome from 9th to 13th December 2024. The Staff Week will offer a unique opportunity for participants to engage in meaningful networking activities and exchange best practices on a range of key topics, such as internationalisation, mobility programmes, virtual exchanges, global partnerships and proposal writing. Particularly, it will be dedicated to welcoming International Relations Of...
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325 scholarships for international mobility exchange. Let’s start the eighth edition of the COMMO Project!

For this new edition of the project, UNIMED has been granted, by the Italian National Agency INDIRE, a budget for 325 mobility scholarships distributed among Albania, Kosovo, Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco and Syria for the 8th edition of the project COMMO, which will cover the period 2023-2026. Supporting students in acquiring skills and abilities (such as learning new languages) to develop their academic profile and open more job o...
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COMMO VII: Opportunità di mobilità ai fini di studio, insegnamento e training. Candidati entro il 1 marzo 2024!

UNIMED, coordinatore del consorzio COMMO, nel contesto del Programma Erasmus+ KA171 (Progetto n. 2022-1-IT02-KA171-HED-000077240), lancia il nuovo bando relativo alle mobilità ai fini di studio, formazione e insegnamento riservate agli studenti e allo staff degli atenei italiani e dei Paesi partner (Albania, Kosovo, Egitto, Giordania, Libano, Libia e Siria) coinvolti in questa settima edizione del progetto, che coprirà il periodo 2022-2025. Per maggiori dettagli, consultare il bando disponib...
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The COMMO VI project has come to an end!

The COMMO VI project, financed by the Italian National Agency INDIRE under the KA107 International Credit Mobility, is officially concluded.  Despite some initial difficulties related to the project implementation due to the restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic to physical mobility, COMMO VI enabled 24 students and university staff members to live an invaluable experience of mobility exchange!  The project involved the Italian universities of the COMMO consortium and the following...
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“Insights into the international dimension of HEIs”: the COMMO project at the International Staff Week organised by the University of Pavia

Nowadays, the benefits of mobility are widely recognised. Going abroad to study or to train helps people to develop their professional, social and intercultural skills, as well as enhancing their employability. According to Erasmus+ impacts studies, the benefits of mobility and cooperation in Higher Education within the EU and beyond are manifold. Most higher education students who undertake a mobility period abroad are more likely to find employment one year after graduation, have a great...
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COMMO VII: Opportunità di mobilità ai fini di studio, insegnamento e training. Candidati entro il 4 giugno 2023!

UNIMED, coordinatore del consorzio COMMO, nel contesto del Programma Erasmus+ KA171 (Progetto n. 2022-1-IT02-KA171-HED-000077240), lancia il nuovo bando relativo alle mobilità ai fini di studio, formazione e insegnamento riservate agli studenti e allo staff degli atenei italiani e dei Paesi partner (Albania, Kosovo, Egitto, Giordania, Libano, Libia e Siria) coinvolti in questa settima edizione del progetto, che coprirà il periodo 2022-2025. Per maggiori dettagli, consultare il bando disponibi...
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COMMO VI: Opportunità di mobilità ai fini di insegnamento e training in Italia e Albania. Invia la tua candidatura entro il 14 marzo 2023!

UNIMED, coordinatore del consorzio COMMO, nel contesto del Programma Erasmus+ KA107 (Progetto n. 2020-1-IT02-KA107-078721), riapre il bando relativo alle mobilità ai fini di formazione e insegnamento riservate allo staff degli atenei italiani e albanesi coinvolti in questa sesta edizione del progetto. Per maggiori dettagli, consultare il bando disponibile qui in lingua italiana e qui in lingua inglese.
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COMMO VI: Opportunità di mobilità ai fini di studio, insegnamento e training in Italia e Albania. Candidati entro il 6 dicembre 2022!

UNIMED, coordinatore del consorzio COMMO, nel contesto del Programma Erasmus+ KA107 (Progetto n. 2020-1-IT02-KA107-078721), riapre il bando relativo alle mobilità ai fini di studio, formazione e insegnamento riservate agli studenti iscritti e allo staff degli atenei italiani e albanesi coinvolti in questa sesta edizione del progetto. Per maggiori dettagli, consultare il bando disponibile qui in lingua italiana e qui in lingua inglese.
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